- French -» Spanish: 0.06 - 0.12 €/Word
- Spanish -» French: 0.06 - 0.12 €/Word
The rate can only be estimated after a quick look through the text. It depends on the text format, the context and specialized knowledge of the domain area. Should you have specific needs, you can contact me for a customized quotation.
- Minimum 0,02 €/Word* - Maximum 0,08 €/Word*
The rate can only be estimated after a quick look through the text. Merely proofreading the translation is less expensive than checking the translation against the original text. When the text has to be rewritten almost completely, this can take much more time than when the text only has to be read through.
Writing - Minimum 0,30 €/mot* - Maximum 1,90 €/mot*
The rate depends on the available text and the complexity of the topic. Writing can also be done based on sources in French or Spanish. Rates are lower when the available text comes close to the expected content and higher when many sources have to be consulted and a great deal of creativity and insight have to be displayed. The rate is agreed upon at the start of the project. The number of words refers to the finished text and can be arranged according to your needs.
* All rates are exclusive of VAT.